On November 2022, hurricane Nicole swept through Florida. The fast-moving storm forced mandatory evacuation for beachside residents in buildings across most of the central East coast. With landfall of the storm, buildings of all kinds faced structural threats from high winds, driving rain, and rising sea and flood waters. At especially high risk were beachside properties, with beach erosion posing potential threat of foundation collapse.

As property managers and residents returned to pick up the pieces and assess the damage the extent of impact on numerous structures was dramatic. One of the buildings we assessed, the Grand Coquina Condo on Daytona beach, a 22-story residential structure, saw extreme damage, with widespread exposed underground and exterior foundation. Our Daytona engineers are working hard to get this building in safe conditions in order to allow for residents inside.

While Nicole was listed merely as a category 1 hurricane, the extent of damage at the Grand Coquina makes it dramatically clear the need for every property manager, especially those on beachside, to regularly inspect their structures and plan for “what if” storm scenarios.

It’s essential to have an experienced structural engineer on site who can inspect all aspects of your property to ensure your structure is prepared. Karins Engineering has over 20 years of experience in the Florida environment handling Structural Inspection, Damage Inspection, Liability Assessment, and Legal Dispute Navigation.